Apple’s iPhone production in India just hit a speed bump, due to the monsoon season. Two of the tech giant’s biggest suppliers, Foxconn and Pegatron, have halted operations at their factories near Chennai. This has thrown a wrench into the iPhone supply chain.
Heavy rains and flooding have inundated the area, making it impossible for factories to function. Sources close to the matter have confirmed the halt, but neither Foxconn nor Pegatron have officially commented.
This isn’t the first time the monsoons have played havoc with Apple’s Indian ambitions. In 2018, similar flooding caused disruptions at Foxconn’s Sriperumbudur plant, leading to production delays.
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The latest stoppage comes at a crucial time for Apple. The holiday season is just around the corner, and demand for iPhones is expected to be high. Any production delay could impact availability and dampen sales.
iPhone Manufacturing challenge
While the exact duration of the shutdown remains unclear, experts believe it could last for a few days. This is depending on the severity of the weather and the extent of the damage.
This incident highlights the challenges of manufacturing in India, where the monsoon season can be unpredictable and disruptive. It also raises questions about Apple’s reliance on a single region for iPhone production.
While India has emerged as a key growth market for Apple, the company is still heavily dependent on Chinese suppliers. Diversifying its manufacturing base could mitigate risks like weather disruptions and geopolitical tensions.
For now, all eyes are on Chennai as Apple and its suppliers scramble to get production back on track. The Phone faithful might have to wait a little longer to get their hands on the latest models. However, hopefully, the monsoon gods will soon relent and let Phones flow freely again.
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