You don’t have to be a slave to your workouts. staying fit does not have to be a challenge or a chore. You can find success with staying in shape by following this list of 10 habits of women who always manage to stay fit.

10 habits of healty women

They never give up on their workouts

Women who always stay fit don’t give up on their workouts. There are many reasons why you may want to skip your workout. You might be tired, busy, or sick; but no matter what always make time for exercise because it will benefit you in the long term.

They plan and work exercises into their schedules.

Staying fit is easier when you plan and work exercises into your schedules. Many people decide “I’m going to go workout now” but there’s no real planning or scheduling. You have more success when you know exactly what time you are going to exercise each day and set out your gym clothes the night before so that there is no way you can use being tired as an excuse.

They do workout routines they enjoy

Women who stay fit do workout routines they enjoy. Boredom is one of the biggest reasons why people quit their exercise routines. You have to find a workout routine that you enjoy to stick with it long-term. You can find a fitness routine that fits your personality and lifestyle by looking through my blog posts.

They play sports to stay in shape

Women who always stay fit play sports to stay in shape. If you become a regular player on a sports team, you don’t have to worry about planning exercise into your schedule. You will be exhausted from playing and not need to go to the gym or go for a run after practice because you have already worked out.

10 habits of women who always stay fit

They choose workout plans based on their specific goals

Staying fit is easier when you choose workout plans based on your specific goals. Are you trying to lose weight, build muscle, tone up, or stay in shape? It’s not a good idea to follow a workout plan that is designed for someone else. Make sure you design a workout routine based on your goal and the results will be much better.

They set fitness goals

Women who always stay fit set fitness goals. You don’t have to have a fitness goal, but it helps if you have an idea of what your current fitness level is and what you would like to achieve. You can set goals based on time – how long it will take you to complete a circuit or finish a run for example – or goals based around milestones, such as being able to do ten pushups in a row.

They use apps like lose it!

Staying fit is easier when you use apps like lose it! to track your calories, make goals and connect with others who will support you on your journey. You can also try small changes like not putting any snacks in your house or if you do, make sure they’re healthy options like fruit or nuts.

They follow a meal plan

Women who always stay fit follow a meal plan. When you start eating healthier and cut out the junk food from your diet, you will see much better results from your workout schedule. It’s important to make sure that the calories you intake during the day are less than the calories burned through exercise and daily living; otherwise, your body won’t be able to burn fat for fuel and create muscle tone at the same time.

They only buy healthy snacks

Staying fit is easier when you only buy healthy snacks. By removing the temptation of junk food from your cabinets and fridge, you will find yourself reaching for fresh fruit and vegetables rather than candy and chips.

 They never skip their workouts when they’re sick

Women who always stay fit never skip their workouts when they’re sick. You may want to stay in bed all day and avoid exercise but that’s the worst thing you can do for your body after getting sick. Working out helps your immune system fight off infection as well as speeds up metabolism so that the calories burned through exercise help your body recover faster without putting too much stress on muscles or joints.

How to make staying in shape easier?

There are many ways to stay in shape. One way is to adopt a fitness schedule that suits your life and lifestyle. You can also use an app like Lose It! (www.loseit.com) to track your calories, make goals, and connect with others who will support you on your journey. You can also try small changes like not putting any snacks in your house or if you do, make sure they’re healthy options like fruit or nuts.

The best way to stay in shape is by finding what works for you and then committing to it every day over the long term. One day doesn’t make a difference, but when you keep that up for six to twelve months it will!

The best time of day to work out

The best time of day to work out is in the morning. One reason why this might be ideal is that when you wake up, your body has been in a state of rest for eight hours and it’s ready to go. Another reason why early morning workouts are best may be due to the length of the workout – when you start working out in the morning, you’re more likely to do a shorter workout.

They always have a healthy option on hand

Women who always stay fit always have a healthy option on hand. This way, if you’re hungry and nothing good is in the house, you can still eat something nutritious rather than settling for takeout or junk food.

They keep track of their workouts

Staying fit is easier when you keep track of your workouts. When you sign up for online fitness programs like Lose It! (www.loseit.com), it will help you log your weight loss progress and remind you when to do circuits and cardio sessions so that they become routine and second-nature. Paired with daily self-monitoring (from apps like muscle) and tracking (with an app like Lose It!), this will help you stay on track with your weight loss goals.

Fit women never skip breakfast

Women who always stay fit never skip breakfast, even if they only have ten minutes to get ready in the morning or if they’re on the go all day long. When you eat breakfast it helps jumpstart your metabolism and gives you the energy you need to get through your workouts for the day…    …

They find their results motivating

Whether it’s wearing a bikini or seeing muscle gains or successfully reaching a weight loss goal before summer hits, women who always stay fit find their results very motivating. This way, when things get hard (and fast) like cutting back on sugary drinks during the 4th of July weekend or when you’re in for a two-week challenge at work aimed toward eating healthier, it helps keep you on track and focused on your goals.


At the end of the day, everyone is different and that means that what works best for one woman may not work best for another. However, when you take the time to find out what works best for you and your lifestyle and then commit to keeping up with these habits over the long term, staying fit becomes easy.

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