Asad Umer is going to drowned Imran khan ship

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Asad umer

Asad umer, the finance minister of Pakistan is hailed at this time. Recently, the prices of petrol have increased and simultaneously the media tanks have increased manifold.. when prices of petrol went up during the Nawaz Sharif’s era, Asad Umer criticized Nawaz sharif and now people are giving references of Asad umer previous speeches against prices hikes. These days, Asad umer was worried about the poor man. but now it seems that things are going out of the hands of Pakistan’s weaker finance minister. it may have two reasons behind. either the saving of Pakistan has been ended or Asad umer has failed to control the situation. but the common man of Pakistan does not understand such fine things. before the election the common man of Pakistan, Imran khan, grew up with him. but when the news of cow came in the day, the graph of Imran khan’s popularity has started coming down. Is it hot news on Pakistan’s social media that Asad umer is saving big losses to Imran khan. if you talk about prime minister Imran khan, then it looks like government has become a trap for him., in which he is unable to do anything independently and neither is he able to get out of this trap. The biggest circle of Pakistan’s media is already against Imran khan government. because of its biggest reasons, there is shortage of commercial rates . On the other side, the situation is also going against Imran khan. how can Imran khan get rid of these bad mothers. its hard to guess now.